Want to be a better shooter?
Tactix Effective Marksmanship Fundamentals courses follow a simple & easily repeatable experience focusing on economy of movement.
Course Outline
Develop confidence and skills with the safe & efficient use of your firearm.
Learn to maximize efficiency when manipulating the firearm which in turn improves accuracy and the overall learning and shooting experience.
Shooting Drills
Various static position shooting drills reinforce the Shooting Fundamentals and commit them to muscle memory.
Courses Offered

Pistol Fundamentals
- Proper Grip
- Sight Alignment, Picture and Acquisition
- Stance
- Trigger Control
- Recoil Mitigation
- Safe Holster Draw and Return
- Presentation to Target
- Low/High Ready
- Admin, Slide Lock & Tac Mag Change

Rifle Fundamentals
- Proper Grip
- Sight Alignment, Picture and Acquisition
- Stance
- Trigger Control
- Recoil Mitigation
- Follow Through
- Presentation to Target
- Use of Red Dot Optics
- Low/High Ready
- Admin, Bolt Lock & Emergency Reloading

Shotgun Fundamentals
- Proper Grip
- Sight Alignment, Picture and Acquisition
- Stance
- Trigger Control
- Recoil Mitigation
- Follow Through
- Presentation to Target
- Low/High Ready
- Admin, Emergency Reloading
Course Openings

Pistol Fundamentals
Course is Full. Please check back soon for future openings.

Rifle Fundamentals
Sunday December 3rd
9am – 4pm

Shotgun Fundamentals
Course coming soon! Please check back later for future openings.
- Cost: $275.00
- Certificate & Patch awarded upon completion
- Waiver to be signed prior to class
- Firearm Rentals Available